The Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP), is a distinguished publication dedicated to advancing nursing excellence in practice, education, and research. Situated at the intersection of scholarship and clinical innovation, SPJNP provides a vibrant platform for nurses and healthcare professionals to share valuable insights, experiences, and research findings. Join us in our mission to enhance nursing practice and contribute to the broader discourse in healthcare.

  • Frequency: Monthly
  • Indexing: Cross-Ref, Google Scholar
  • DOI Prefix: 10.62502

The Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP) is on a mission to champion excellence in nursing care, education, and research. Our commitment extends to catalyzing positive change within the healthcare landscape. At SJPNP, we diligently disseminate cutting-edge knowledge, advocate for evidence-based practices, and showcase transformative ideas that can reshape the future of healthcare. Our overarching vision is to make a substantial contribution to the progression of nursing science, emphasizing its profound impact on patient outcomes. By fostering a collaborative environment that encourages innovation and critical thinking, SPJNP strives to be a pivotal force in shaping the trajectory of nursing excellence and influencing positive advancements in the broader healthcare community. Join us in our dedication to elevating standards, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement in nursing and patient care.

Scope and Focus

The Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP) is a comprehensive platform that delves into a myriad of topics within the nursing profession, creating an enriching space for exploration, discussion, and advancement. Our journal is dedicated to fostering excellence across various facets of nursing, ensuring that it serves as an inclusive space for the dissemination of knowledge, insights, and innovations. The wide spectrum of topics covered by SJPNP encompasses clinical practice and patient care innovations, nursing education and professional development, evidence-based research and best practices, healthcare policy, and interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare.

In embracing the multifaceted nature of nursing, SJPNP welcomes submissions that mirror the diversity inherent in nursing roles, settings, and populations served. By doing so, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities that permeate the nursing profession. This inclusivity is integral to our commitment to providing a space where researchers, practitioners, educators, and healthcare professionals can collectively contribute to the collective knowledge pool.

Clinical Practice and Patient Care Innovations: SJPNP invites scholarly contributions that highlight innovative approaches and advancements in clinical practice and patient care. We recognize the dynamic nature of healthcare and seek to showcase practices that enhance the quality of patient care, optimize outcomes, and introduce novel solutions to challenges faced by healthcare professionals on the front lines.

Nursing Education and Professional Development: The realm of nursing education and professional development is ever-evolving. SJPNP welcomes submissions that explore effective educational strategies, emerging trends in professional development, and the intersection of education and practice. By facilitating a dialogue on education, we aim to contribute to the continuous improvement of nursing education and the ongoing development of healthcare professionals.

Evidence-Based Research and Best Practices: As an advocate for evidence-based practice, SJPNP seeks to publish rigorous research that underpins best practices in nursing. We encourage researchers to share their empirical studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that contribute to the establishment of evidence-based guidelines and inform decision-making in clinical settings.

Healthcare Policy and Advocacy: Understanding the impact of healthcare policies and advocating for positive change is paramount in shaping the future of nursing and healthcare delivery. SJPNP provides a platform for discussions on policy implications, legislative initiatives, and advocacy efforts that influence the nursing profession and the broader healthcare system.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare: Recognizing that healthcare is inherently collaborative, SJPNP encourages submissions that explore interdisciplinary collaboration. This includes research and discussions on teamwork, communication, and cooperation among healthcare professionals from various disciplines to enhance patient care, improve outcomes, and address complex healthcare challenges.

In inviting submissions across these diverse domains, SJPNP strives to contribute to the richness and diversity of nursing literature. By providing a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their insights, experiences, and research findings, we aim to facilitate a dynamic exchange of knowledge that ultimately contributes to the advancement of nursing science and the enhancement of patient care. We invite all those passionate about nursing and healthcare to join us on this journey of exploration, collaboration, and continuous improvement in the field of nursing and practice.

Accepted Categories and Words Limit

Manuscripts are accepted under the following categories:

  • Original Research Articles: 7000 Words
  • Review Articles: 7000 Words
  • Editorials: 1500 Words
  • Short Communications: 3000 Words
  • Reports/Studies: 3000 Words
  • Others: 5000 Words

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP) are to disseminate high-quality, evidence-based research pertinent to nursing practice, foster dialogue on best practices and innovations, support the professional development of nurses at all career stages, and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance patient-centered care. SJPNP strives to serve as a dynamic platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences that contribute to the continuous improvement of nursing practice and the advancement of healthcare delivery.

Editorial Process

The Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP) upholds a stringent editorial process, emphasizing a robust peer-review system to guarantee the credibility and reliability of published content. Our esteemed editorial board, comprising experts across diverse nursing specialties, meticulously assesses submissions. Evaluation criteria include the submission's contribution to the field, methodological rigor, and relevance to nursing practice. This meticulous review process reflects our commitment to maintaining high editorial standards, ensuring that each publication aligns with the journal's mission of advancing nursing knowledge and fostering excellence in practice. Authors can trust the thoroughness of our editorial evaluation, as we strive to showcase research that significantly impacts and enhances the field of nursing.

Open Access

In pursuit of our global commitment to advancing nursing knowledge, the Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP) operates as an open-access journal. This deliberate choice ensures that our content is readily available to healthcare professionals, educators, researchers, and the broader community without financial barriers. By adopting an open-access model, SJPNP promotes inclusive access to valuable information, fostering widespread knowledge dissemination and encouraging collaborative efforts among diverse stakeholders. We believe that unrestricted access to scholarly content not only facilitates continuous learning within the healthcare community but also contributes to the collective advancement of nursing practice on a global scale. Our dedication to open access reflects our mission to make a meaningful and positive impact on the broader landscape of nursing and healthcare.

Submitting to Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP)

Nurses, healthcare professionals, educators, and researchers are cordially invited to make valuable contributions to the Scientific Journal of Professional Nursing and Practice (SJPNP). We encourage prospective contributors to consult our submission guidelines for comprehensive details on the preparation and submission of manuscripts. These guidelines offer essential information to ensure that submitted works align with the journal's standards and focus areas. By adhering to the specified guidelines, authors can facilitate a seamless submission process, thereby enhancing the chances of their work being considered for publication. SJPNP values the diverse perspectives and expertise within the nursing community and looks forward to receiving insightful contributions that further enrich the field of nursing and contribute to the advancement of healthcare knowledge and practice.

Digital Archiving

SJPNP ensures enduring digital preservation through its key alliances with Portico and CLOCKSS.

Portico stands out as a global leader in digital preservation services. It safeguards content as an archival version, though not publicly accessible on Portico. Access is granted under specific conditions, such as collection discontinuation or website catastrophic failure.

CLOCKSS empowers libraries to effortlessly uphold their content archive from SJPNP and other publishers. This is achieved with minimal technical complexity, utilizing readily available and cost-effective hardware.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

SJPNP adheres to a fully open-access model, ensuring unrestricted utilization and reuse of all published articles while duly acknowledging the authors. To sustain this model, authors are required to cover a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC). This charge encompasses expenses related to peer-review administration, article production in PDF and other formats, dissemination of papers across various platforms, and other publishing functions.

Importantly, no fees are imposed for rejected submissions, and there are no additional charges based on article length, figures, or supplementary data. Diverging from conventional publishers, open-access publishers like SJPNP do not rely on subscription sales for revenue. Instead, we ensure free accessibility to all articles, and the APC is applicable upon acceptance for publication to maintain the sustainability of this open-access approach.

Foreign Authors: 32 USD (30 USD for APC and 2 USD for transaction charges).
Indian Authors: INR 1770/- (INR 1500 for APC and INR 270 for GST @18%).

It is crucial to note that authors bear any transaction fees incurred. Publication decisions at SJPNP are entirely driven by editorial criteria, remaining unaffected by fee payments. Corrections to manuscripts are provided free of charge if requested within 3 days of online publication under the "Issue in Progress" section.

Once an article is assigned a volume, issue number, and DOI, changes will be implemented only after payment of applicable charges, equivalent to 50% of the article processing fees. Authors have the option to pay via Direct Deposit or online methods like net banking, NEFT, or IMPS. Notably, payments by cheque or demand draft are not accepted.